St Michael's CE VA Primary School
Do to others as you would like them to do to you - Luke 6:31

Summer Term

Summer 2023 

Creep, Crawl and Wriggle

This topic teaches the children about all the incredible bugs, creepy-crawlies and mini-beasts that live in our gardens and all around us.


This topic focuses on the hero in all of us, we learn about ourselves, our families, super animals, super vehicles, and super people around us such as teachers, doctors, religious leaders, police and fire fighters.

Summer 2023 

Splish Splash!

This topic teaches children about water, including floating and sinking, freezing, and melting, and why it is important. We will be exploring what is hidden deep beneath the ocean waves. Is it animals? Is it treasure? Is it pirate shipwrecks?

On the Move!

This topic teaches children about travelling over land, on water, through the air and into space. They will explore how they move around their local area and where they go on holiday.

St Michael's CE VA Primary School, Kings Way, Lyme Regis, England, DT7 3DY

Telephone: 01297 442623