St Michael's CE VA Primary School
Do to others as you would like them to do to you - Luke 6:31

Maths - Subject Lead: Mr Kiddle

Our aim is for all children to think mathematically, enabling them to reason and solve problems within our school and develop as maths-confident individuals within new and unfamiliar situations.


We see maths-confident children as individuals who make meaningful choices, using appropriate strategies and equipment to access mathematics independently.



White Rose Maths

Maths is taught through a mastery approach, using the ‘White Rose’ scheme of work. This child-centered approach is then enhanced through challenges from a range of high-quality sources.  Within Maths lessons, we use White Rose teaching tools and workbooks for year 1 to 6. Learning is embedded through a spiral curriculum by incorporating the use of resources, problem solving and group work. Our White Rose Maths curriculum systematically builds mathematical knowledge and skills. This means that our children can understand and draw on the knowledge, concepts and procedures they have already learned, and apply these to where they are now in their learning, as well as in the next stage. 

Alongside White Rose Maths, we incorporate mathematical reasoning and problem solving  to solve practical problems in everyday life in a variety of ways.

SMPS Medium Term Plans


Year One Summer Term Summary Plan

Year One Small Steps Plan Summer Term


Year Two Summer Term Summary Plan

Year Two Small Steps Plan Summer Term


Year Three Summer Term Summary Plan

Year Three Small Steps Plan Summer Term


Year Four Summer Term Summary Plan

Year Four Small Steps Plan Summer Term


Year Five Summer Term Summary Plan

Year Five Small Steps Plan Summer Term


Year Six Summer Term Summary Plan

Year Six Small Steps Plan Summer Term

SMPS Maths National Curriculum and Ready to Progress Mapping

St Michael's CE VA Primary School, Kings Way, Lyme Regis, England, DT7 3DY

Telephone: 01297 442623